NSEIT: Recognized as a
‘Major Contender’ and
‘Star Performer’ in Everest Group's Capital Markets IT Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2024

NSEIT is proud to announce its recognition as a ‘Major Contender’ and ‘Star Performer’ in the Everest Group’s Capital Markets IT Services PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2024. This accolade underscores our commitment to excellence and innovation in the capital markets IT services sector.

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Landing Zone Assessment can support you at every stage of your Cloud Journey

With this workshop, we can help you assess your cloud landing zone architecture and support enterprises on their all stages of cloud maturity

Initial Adoption

At this stage of your cloud maturity, after assessing your existing IT infrastructure, financial standing, and future goals, you may have experimented with various cloud services (with the likes of azure cloud, google cloud, AWS cloud) for hosting non-critical workloads. Our Cloud Landing Zone Assessment Workshop will provide valuable insights to guide your enterprise decision-making process.


As you extend your data center to establish a security and governance framework (cloud security and risk) on the cloud, you might have migrated a few business-critical workloads. At this stage of your cloud maturity Our Cloud Landing Zone Assessment Workshop will assist you in optimizing your cloud foundation, ensuring secure and compliant operations while giving you report on your cloud security risk assessment.


Having gained confidence in the capabilities and benefits of the cloud, at this stage of your cloud maturity you may have started migrating most of your eligible workloads to cloud. Our Cloud Landing Zone Assessment Workshop will support you in executing a successful cloud migration strategy, minimizing disruptions and maximizing efficiency.


With a significant volume of workloads hosted and application migrations on the cloud, your focus is likely on building next-generation roadmaps and modernizing applications. At this advanced stage of your cloud maturity Our Cloud Landing Zone Assessment Workshop will help you identify opportunities to leverage cloud services effectively, enabling innovative solutions for your enterprise.

Cloud Landing Zone Assessment Process
Day 1-2

Engage and define scope for your landing zone assessment

Day 3-6

Conduct tool based and manual assessment for your landing zone

Review & Presentation
Day 7-10

Analyze the cloud assessment report with various stakeholders and define a cloud roadmap

NSEIT Strengths Highlighted in the Report
  • NSEIT’s comprehensive service portfolio covers pre- and post-trade functions including investment services, order management, trading, risk management, surveillance, clearing, settlements, and securities & depository.
  • Strategic focus areas include digital transformation, cybersecurity, cloud, and AI, aimed at enhancing client operational efficiency and strategic capabilities.
  • Proprietary solutions such as enSettle, Yugma, XpressSTP, and SQLake data processing showcase NSEIT’s innovation in improving back-office efficiency, streamlining processes, and optimizing operations across diverse commodities and currencies.
Join Us on Our Journey

We are excited about the future and the opportunities it holds. As we continue to push the boundaries of technology and innovation, we invite you to join us on this journey. Together, we can achieve new heights in the capital markets.

Get in Touch

To learn more about how NSEIT can help your organization excel in the capital markets, contact us today.

For more information, visit us at nseit.com

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